Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall Garden in...Sept. 15, 2009

The fall veggies are in, the garden is cleaned of the summer SWCs and I am feeling oh so virtuous :-).... The list is full of old standbys as well as a few new trial veggies:
Collards - Morris heading, Yellow Cabbage, and the always good Georgia Southern (72 plants!)
Mustard Greens
Pak Choi
Brussels Sprouts - one of my trial veggies - probably planted too late, but will see...
French Breakfast Radishes
Daikon Radishes - new for me
Turnip Greens
Purple Top Turnips
Carrots - Little Finger, Red Core Chanteney, Deavers Half Long
Beets - Golden and Detroit Red

Still have one eggplant (the old standby Black Beauty), four of the midsummer tomatoes I trialed for next year and all but one of the pepper plants. Am hoping for a few more summer goodies before true fall starts here.

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