Saturday, March 28, 2009

Waiting for Godot... March 28, 2009

And Thank the Lord the rains are almost over...four solid days now of rain, rain, rain.... I know we will appreciate it this summer, but for now I am anguishing over the fate of my tiny carrot, beet, spinach and turnip seedlings outside. Will be up at dawn to check them out. The tomato seedlings are taking over the kitchen. Peppers not far behind. Collards in the beds outside are ready to start picking... try them with some rice vinegar and cornbread and its heaven on earth.

My new adventure will be container blueberry bushes - they arrived this week already in bloom. It will be painful to debud them, but from what I have read, necessary for their longterm health - like so much in life!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Starting Seedlings...March 14, 2009

Ready for spring... really. This past week it was 80 degrees... past two days 40 and raining. Sigh. Keeping the tomato, eggplant and pepper babies rotating under the lights and telling them only a month more... The garlic, onions and shallots look great outside and we are trying a potato bin for the first time. Carrot and beet seed first plantings are done and we are waiting anxiously for the delivery of our first container blueberry bushes!

Monday, March 2, 2009

In like a lion... March 2, 2009

March 2, 2009... Coming in like a lion for sure... Four inches of snow and 27 degrees this morning... can't see the broccoli and collards, but hope they are still alive under the snow. The onions are under their plastic cover, but since 17 degrees is projected for tonight, we will be lifting the plastic this afternoon and adding straw, then covering it all with plastic again. Fingers crossed! This is the SOUTH???

Tomato seedlings are safe inside and growing like weeds...

hope they can last another 4-6 weeks inside.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Snow now?... March 1, 2009

March 1 - and snow is falling! Prediction is 4-6 inches tonight - a lot for this area of NC. Pulled our last carrots and spinach today for quiche tomorrow with cooked carrots...yum.... The last raised beds are in and the soil/compost is settling. My aim for this year is to produce at least 250 pounds of produce in our 224 square feet of raised beds. Totals so far (mainly carrots and greens) are 5 pounds for Jan. and 6 pounds for Feb.